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Our environmental commitment

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As a company, Day One is committed to bettering both ourselves, and the world around us, on all fronts. We are conscious of the issues that face our society, and will play our part in trying to help in whatever ways we can. 

In the modern age, it is impossible to ignore the ever-worsening state of our climate, and we all know we should take steps to protect the environment.

We recently visited Web Summit 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal, to officially launch Day One. When attendees of the conference visited our stand, we asked them to scan our QR code instead of giving out business cards, and in return, we would plant a tree. We furthered this initiative beyond scanning the code to every brilliant meeting we had, and have since planted 50 trees in partnership with TreeApp. Although this may not seem like a lot- 50 trees is equivalent to 80 m² of land reforested in Asia, Africa and South America. But this is only the starting point. We have decided to offset the environmental damage done by our flights to Portugal, by planting an additional 35 trees. This is something we plan to do whenever we have to travel abroad, making our environment just that bit cleaner.

Why Trees?

Trees are exceptionally important when it comes to battling climate change. Not only do they convert harmful carbon dioxide into oxygen in photosynthesis, but they also absorb other harmful gasses, effortlessly cleaning up our polluted atmosphere. Trees also absorb up to 450 litres of water through their roots every day, minimising the very real threat of flooding. Not only are they beneficial to us humans, but they also provide a home and ecosystem for several different species of wildlife, from mammals, to reptiles, to insects. All in all, they are incredibly necessary for animals, us, and indeed the whole world around us. 

Day One and Sustainability:

Sustainability is no longer an irrelevant and out of touch phenomenon as it may have been in the past- it is integral to the world, and to us at Day One. We are aware of the impact we can have on our environment, and our involvement with protecting it does not stop with tree planting. We minimize the waste we produce and are adopting renewable energy solutions. Through our actions, we hope not only to reduce our own carbon footprint, but to set an example for businesses of the future.

Day One's tree planting initiative not only represents us as a start up- a seed of an idea blossoming into something extraordinary, but also represents our hope for a sustainable future. By coming together and working as a collective, Day One hopes you will join us in a greener future- making the world a better place, one seed at a time.