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Women In Tech Week: Jess' Thoughts

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Did you know women make up just 26% of the UK’s tech workforce? of the reasons I'm proud to be part of a tech company where women aren’t the minority!

Over the past few years I’ve had the privilege of hosting empowerment events that celebrate women in STEM, with the aim of inspiring more young women to pursue careers in these areas. With Women in Tech Week here, it’s the perfect opportunity to take a minute to celebrate all wonderful women in STEM!

Research shows that around the age of 11 girls are interested in STEM, but that this interest fades by the age of 15. Studies link a lack of role models as one of the big reasons for this - so let’s keep celebrating the women who are breaking barriers and showing young girls what’s possible!

Speaking of role models — check out the incredible work Catalina Valentino is doing with Elixir! Cat came to one of the first events I ran at a time when she was just starting her journey as an entrepreneur and I knew she would be one to watch. I’ve been following Cat's journey ever since and her grit, creativity, and vision are making some serious moves in the tech space. Talk about role models!

Here’s to Day One for having a core team of 72% women - and here's to all the women making moves in STEM!

P.s studies show that businesses with at least 30% women in leadership positions are likely to be 15% more profitable.

#WomenInTechWeek #WomenInSTEM #BreakingBarriers